Parenting: Time Inventory

Dave Ramsey financial adviser and famed radio host proposes to find a place for every cent of your money, or something or someone will. The implication is that unsupervised money tends to disappear on fruitless things. I’d like to take that same model and apply it to our time as parents. Just as a couple of bucks here and there on chips, drinks, etc add up, so does the time we may be wasting on other things other than our children. Believe you me, with all the time management books and new apps out there you would think I would have mastered this art by now. On the contrary, it seems harder every day to manage my time. Seems the minute I purpose to give 15 minutes to my son or daughter, the phone rings, I’m asked to stay late at work or maybe the car acted up and requires a looking at. Obviously there are things that require instant attention, however, once that car is looked at or you arrive home from a long day, are we willing to subtract that time from our “whining down time” an...