Blind Cross-country Runner Inspires Perseverance

I have a soft spot in my heart for running stories. I am a runner, I have been able to get my wife to do a few races and this summer my daughter did her first 5k, so when I saw this video it really spoke to me. As a runner and a parent I try to show my daughter articles about kids over coming disabilities and obstacles to do something they love. I think children need to see their problems in prospective to what other people have to deal with. Not to demean their problems, but to inspire perseverance. These 2 videos do just that.

Sami Stoner is a 16 year old high school senior who is legally blind and still runs cross-country with the help of her guide dog. Truly inspiring. Check out the video, and watch it with your kids. There are so many voices in this world telling kids they can't, they need to know that they can.

This is a short 3 minute news video about Sami Stoner below, if you would like to learn more about her this ESPN video link is a 10 minute spot on her and her family.

Keep running Sami! You inspire my wife, daughter and me.


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