The following post is by the Co-founder of, Omar De Pablo: I hate to start out with a cliché; however, how often have we as parents thought to ourselves or spoken, “do as I say and not as I do?" We discipline our children on particular matters and expect, no, demand, consistent obedience. Meanwhile, we ourselves are lacks-a-daisy about the same issue. Multiple times in my sons early years I've stressed the importance of wearing seat belts. Before the car would row out, everyone was to have their seat belts on. After a while it became habit for him to get the seat belt on, but habit for me to leave it off. So with time, the tables turned. My son, now 10 years old, reminds me every time I get in the car to “get your seat belt on dad, what if we get in an accident dad, what if you get pulled over dad?" As soon as I was called out I would make some sly remark like, “oh I was going too, or, I forgot, I will now." (You know, trying to keep...
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