Family Dinner: Mealtime Questions

In our busy schedules its sometimes hard to have a family dinner together. Dinner time is a great opportunity to engage your child in meaningful conversations. Having a hard time on topics to discuss? These topics can keep the communication lines open and allow you a glimpse into your child’s heart and mind.

1.    If your friend asked you "How do I become a Christian?" what would you tell them?
2.    If you could own one of the biggest and best collections in the world, what would you like to collect?
3.    Does faith grow all on its own, or is it something you have to work at? How can you increase your faith?
4.    Let's pretend you joined the circus and were offered any job you wanted! Which job would you 
5.    When you are talking to someone, how do you know they are really listening? What should you do if
       you suspect they aren't listening?
6.    What's the best gift you've ever given someone? What made it such a great gift?
7.    What do you think parents often misunderstand about kids today?
8.    If you had to give up something, what would you have the hardest time giving up?
9.    Who do you most enjoy having to play at our house? What good manners make you a guest others
       love to invite over?
10.    What could you do tomorrow as a special "love offering" to God?
11.    What's a good way to respond when someone compliments you?
12.    What's a good way to respond when someone criticizes you?
13.    How do you know your parents love you? How do they show it?
14.    What thought lifts your spirit when you feel discouraged?
15.    What's the best thing about being a kid/tween/teen?
16.    If you could set up a reading nook or homework corner anywhere in the house, where would it be
         and how would you make it comfortable?
17.    What does integrity mean? Why is it important?
18.    Which Bible passage often brings you close to tears?
19.    What is honor? Can you think of an example of someone acting honorably?
20.    Name a costume or an item of clothing you'd love to have a chance to wear.
21.    What do you like to daydream about?
22.    What's your favorite summer memory?
23.    What important life lesson have you learned the hard way?
24.    If you could make your own movie, what would it be about? Where would you set it?
25.    What are the most important elements to include in a sincere apology?
26.    If I gave you a "thank you" card right now, who would you send it to? Why?
27.    If someone is mean to you or treats you unfairly, how would you respond?
28.    Why is it important not to give up on something just because it's hard to do?
29.    Why do you think it’s important that we remember Jesus’ birthday each year?
30.    What are some ways our family can show generosity to others?

For an extensive list of topics visit Focus on the Family.

Mealtime Questions via Focus on the Family Canada. @fotfcanada Thank you


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