Does Your House Have Child Labor Laws?

I can tell you we have no law in our house against child labor. My daughter has daily chores she has to do to get paid, and a chore chart so she can keep track.

I want her to know the importance of work and the fact that if she wants to buy something she has to work to earn it, and not just look cute and beg.

There is great article by Mark Merrill of Family Minute radio program where he lists

 5 reasons your child should work
1. We were all created to work and work is good.
2. Work is necessary for a productive life.
3. Work teaches self-discipline.
4. Work is not only healthy for the body, but also healthy for the mind.
5. When a child works, they learn to appreciate the work of others

To get started we used the Dave Ramsey product Financial Peace Junior which really helped (that is where we got the chore chart) and there is also a children's book series that helps back up the valves of work and make good choice with money.

My wife and I want our daughter to have a humble confidence about her. We believe work is humbling and knowing you have the ability to earn builds confidence.

What chore system do you find works best for your family?


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