First Time I saw My Daughter Cry During A Movie

Today was a half-day of school for my daughter where she had to be picked up at noon. I was lucky enough to be able to take the day off and hang out with her. We had a good day and capped the night off by watching a movie based on a book she loves, "Ramona and Beezus".

She loved the movie and loved to tell me what was in the book and what wasn't. But then came the part where Ramona's beloved cat dies, and quietly at first, I started to hear my daughter cry.

As we watched Ramona and Beezus bury their family pet in the backyard, I put my arm around my daughter, pulled her close, kissed the top of her head and let her cry. The movie moves on quickly and the mood changes to happier thoughts, but I was glad I was there for that moment.

It made me think back to the first movie that made me cry, (Hey, I've done Tough Mudder and hiked a good chunk of the Appalachian Trail, I'm comfortable in my manhood, thank you!) So the movie was "Old Yeller"

For those not familiar, its an old Disney movie where a boy has to put down his dog after it is infected with rabies. This was old school Disney, you know Bambi's mom getting shot, Disney, hard core. It was a long time ago, and I remember it to this day.

These are small moments, childhood moments, that past by quickly, but may last a lifetime in your memory.

I don't know if my daughter will remember this night, but I always will. Because I saw a bit of her heart tonight, and let me tell you even when she cries, she is still beautiful.

What was the first movie that made your children cry? and what was yours?


  1. That is so beautifully written, Bud, I too remember Old Yeller all too well and would still have a hard time watching it. I remember Emily crying at Marley and me first I felt bad that I brought her to a movie that was so sad but then when we lost our own dog I think it helped prepare her for real life. You're a good Dad!

    1. Thank you Stac. I think you are right about Marley and me helping prepare Emily. Movies can reach a special place in the hearts of children. Thanks again for your comment and support.


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