I've got a date with my daughter in 49 years

Finished your Halley's Comet Commitment posters today and signed them check out the pictures..

So in case you missed it the 3 questions were:
49 years from now...
1- How do you want to feel?
2- Where do you want to live?
3- What do you want to be doing?

My daughter wrote...
1- I want to be happy so I will keep doing things I enjoy.
2- I will live in P.E.I. Canada(Prince Edward Island,Home of Anne of Green Gables-favorite book)
3- I want to have a job that I make people happy and that I enjoy.
All great answers i thought.

Then I wrote...
1- I want to feel healthy so I will eat right and exercise.
2- I will live close to Selena and family.(Hope everyone in family likes P.E.I.)
3- I want to help people and work with Selena.
And of course I hope to be here in 49 years when Halley's Comet comes back.

This was a fun project and I truly will keep these safe and bring them out on special occasions.
You never know what the future holds for our children but, I know I have a date...in 49 years.

How do you think you and your child would answer these questions?


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