Mediocrity, an Ugly One-Eyed Monster

When do we initiate greatness, when are we cognizant of our children’s potentials. Do we dismiss the look in their eyes of childhood fantasies or capitalize on that enthusiasm? Would we give our young people (teens) the opportunity to explore within the confines of positive environments in order to exercise their abilities and curiosity? The energy and the desire to venture is not new to young adults. Remember when we talked about cross country road trips, smoky mountain hikes, ski trips or backpacking through Europe?

She was only seven at the time, when a missionary came to her school. He talked about the beauties of Africa, but shared the desperation and need of the downtrodden. He spoke of the feedings and clothing of the less fortunate and the liberty of the captives through the power of God. She sat wide-eyed and mystified. “I will go to Africa when I get the chance", she said.

Seven years later, I walked nervously down an airport terminal with my daughter. She would be leaving in less than 30 minutes on her first solo-flight and her first missionary trip. Although I encouraged it when she was younger, I thought the wonder would fade. In her heart it had only grown stronger. Although the price tag and length (30 days) were a test of faith, she was diligent in raising the approximately $800.00 of the $3800.00 on her own. She babysat, cleaned houses, put away birthday and holiday money. To her these items only stood in her way of discovering what might be.

At fourteen, she was determined to exert her energy in fulfilling her curiosity of the unknown. Most of all, she wanted to see what God would and could do through the heart of a mere fourteen year old. I hugged her goodbye, as she boarded the plane with her in-flight guardian. I walked away feeling a bit lonely. Thoughts of all the possible wrongs ran vividly through my mind, yet I was at peace. I’m just a steward of a gift given to me. God would take care of her now. I did take proper provisions. I activated her phone and tracked it using Google Latitude; I tracked her flight via the airline website and discovered another site that would tell me the speed, height and map the course of the plane live. A bit much, but I think God was okay with that. She would ultimately meet my wife on the other side, whom herself was being trained for the 30 day expedition.

They say that young people who experience missionary trips at early ages are more likely to attend church regularly, are more productive and responsible. The ability to support her hearts cry would be a life time investment. I can’t, but think that encouraging and supporting our children in positive ventures is beneficial to them, the family, and ultimately society. My hearts desire is to instill in my children that mediocrity is an ugly one-eyed monster that stands with a toothless roar ahead of greatness. My occupation should be first and foremost to raise men and women after God’s own heart, and then to fulfill the greatness in which they were created for.

By supporting our children at early ages, we convince them that they were created by a purpose, for a purpose and on purpose. By standing beside them along the way, it encourages them to know they have loved ones there to pick them up should they fall, carry the load when it gets heavy, cry if failure arises, and cheer when the race is won. Sending your kids off to Africa might not be for you. It was for my family, and my daughter and I had to trust God. I had to trust God that He would use it to make out of her that one vital piece this world needs…. TO BE CONTINUED


  1. Looking forward to hearing more. You're right, this may not be right for everyone, but it was your daughter's heart cry. I think since you took all precautions and made provisions to insure her safety (including that her her mom was waiting on the other side for her) gives me as a mom, a more comfortable feeling when I hear this. We do need to protect our children (both boys and girls), as entrusted gifts from God. She's in my prayers for a safe return! :)
    God Bless

    1. Good morning Ella. Thank you for your comment and visiting our blog. Her trip actually ended at the tail end of July. Everything went well and it had a huge impact on her. I will be continuing this post this weekend with some words from her. Also your prayers are still warranted as she is already planning her next trip for spring. I think I might have to go this time. :)


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