Parenting with P.E.A.C.E.

Parenting with P.E.A.C.E. is an article written by Juliay Tippett who is a licensed clinical social worker and a mother of two children. There are some great tips in here that we as parents need to remember, I know I do.
Parenting with P.E.A.C.E.
By Juliay Tippett L.C.S.W.

Parenting children from toddlers to teenagers takes a lot of work and attention. No one is born with perfect parenting skills nor can perfection be achieved. Although being a parent can be quite joyful, a few of the negative emotions involved in rearing children are frustration, anger, worry, and disappointment. These emotions at times are directed at the children initially then they may internalize within oneself causing feelings of doubt and failure. Don't give up. Remember P.E.A.C.E when interacting with your child.

P = Patience: This is a key component in parenting because as soon as you lose your patience situation you are in can escalate. Take deep breathes, stay calm, and try not to raise your voice. Monitor your voice tone and see how the child models you.

E = Effort: Always keep in mind that parenting takes effort. It doesn't come naturally for a lot of us. Clarify your directive and be specific. Instead of yelling from one are o the house to another to give your child a directive, get up, go to them, and ask. Show your children what your expectations are by doing their chores WITH them INITIALLY. Most importantly, make the effort to be present when spending time with your child. Actually LISTEN to their words instead of thinking about all the things you need to get done.

A = Affection: Show your children that you love them with both words and actions. Help them to know that your love is constant and unwavering no matter what they do. Kids mistake punishment or consequences for decreased love from the parents. The only way to help children know the difference is to reassure them of your love everyday and even more when they are being disciplined.

C = Consistency: In all parenting books this is a key component. We have to be consistent in our rules, consequences, and expectations. if we keep changing these things it confuses the children as well as decreases the level of authority you have over your child.

E = Encouragement:  Always encourage your child every chance you get. This involves keeping a positive attitude when interacting with your child. We live in a culture where negativity rules our thinking. You can see it on T.V., in our jobs, in our children's schools. Only giving negative attention seems to be the norm. Let's change that and start noticing the good things that our children do no matter how insignificant it may seem.

If you want to know more about Juliay Tippett visit her website

Two things I like about this:
1) My daughter loves Peace signs (daddy points for me)
2) When parenting with P.E.A.C.E my improvement area is "Patience". Sometimes I just need to slow down and take more time in my parenting. My strength area would be "Encouragement". I love telling my daughter she can do anything and that I believe in her.

When parenting with P.E.A.C.E what is your strength, and in what area can you improve?


  1. Nice article, I think my strength would be affection and encouragement. And I encourage you to keep blogging!!

  2. Thank you for the encouragement. I will keep blogging, thanks for being a part of the community here and being a super sister too.


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