The parenting tip I would have told myself...

If I could go back in time and give one tip to "Just found out I am going to have a child" Me, it would be to cancel your cable - NOW! This would have helped me in so many ways;

1) It would help me save money - and who knew you needed a lot of things when you find out your pregnant (crib, clothes, diaper, diapers, did I mention diapers?)

 2 )It would help my daughter's development, so many studies show that t.v. is not good for a newborn's development.

3) I would interact more with my daughter when she was a baby.

I used to come home from a hard day at work and get lost in t.v. -Lost in Survivor, Lost in football. I used to get lost in "Lost" and I missed so much that I can't get back.

So "Just found out I am going to have a child" Me,
Save some money,
Help your child develop mentally, and
Appreciate all the little moments, 
by canceling the Cable!

P.S. "Lost" isn't worth it, no one survived the plane crash, the end
You're Welcome! 

If you could give one tip to Your "Just found out you are going to have a child" Self, What would it be?


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