5 Tips for a Debt-Free Family Christmas

So with Thanksgiving 2012 fading in the rear view mirror families need to turn their fiance attention back to the road before they get T-boned by the expenses of Christmas.

Here are 5 great tips from Mary Hunt founder of the website Debt Proof Living.com, with my comment after each tip.

1- Shape your attitude- Your budget is your budget even at Christmas. Before heading into the mall, make sure you take your emotions out of your wallet.

2-Use Cash- Speaking of your wallet, the green stuff behind the cards, is called cash. Use that when you can, and when it's gone no matter who is left on your list, you are done that day. Leave the mall, and don't pass the pretzel place, the smell is too tempting.

3- Give gifts from your kitchen or garden - I love to eat but I can't cook it or grow it. If you can do either well, that's a gift. Plate it, put a bow on it, a tasty Christmas gift, done.

4- Give family gifts, rather than individual ones - If you have the family from 19 Kids and Counting on your list, giving 1 family gift, like a gift basket makes a lot of financial sense. This also makes sense for single digit families too.

5- Entertain guests without stress - Don't go crazy spending in order to impress family and friends you have over during Christmas. Having Uncle Stan say to you, "Nice t.v., what is that, 3D", is not worth 5 years of payments and 23% interest. Have a glass of eggnog, relax, and enjoy the people you may only see once or twice a year.


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