5 Tips for Fathers on Love and Discipline

I found this post by Judy Helm Wright, a Family Coach and Author, with 6 grown children and 10 grandchildren.  

The topic is Love and Discipline, and here are her 5 tips for fathers, with my comment after each.

1. "Be firm, kind and respectful in setting boundaries."
 (If you are angry already when telling your kids the rules, it's to late.)

2. "Try to say yes, more often than no. "Yes, you may have a cookie ... right after dinner."
(I know this is hard when they ask a million times. So you might want to add what my wife says "Yes, you may have a Popsicle.. right after dinner...if you don't ask me again." 

3. "Use logical consequences to correct inappropriate behavior. "If you leave your bike outside on the sidewalk once more, we will put it in the garage for a week." And then do it."
(If you are going to talk the talk you got to walk the walk. Back up your words with actions.)

4. "Be a role model for integrity. Your child will learn much more from what you do, rather than from what you say."
(And if your kid busts you for bending the rules, own it, and don't do it again.)

5. "Hold family meetings to allow everyone to share ideas and suggestions, on how to make the family connect more closely and the house run smoothly. Make these meetings a priority and make them a joyful time, not a time of correction or conflict".
(We found a good time to do this is right after breakfast on the weekend while you are at the table)

Are there any moms out there that have Love and Discipline tips they can share with dads?


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