A Parenting Prayer from an Abuelita

A guest post from Jomary:

To all of my Spanish Speaking friends. My 83 year old grandmother was asked to give a little piece of parenting advice and this is what she had to say.

(in Spanish first with an English translation to follow):

Para todo los padres:
    Cuiden mucho a sus hijos, no los dejen cuidando con cualquiera persona. Ellos son los tesoras de nuestro corazon. Si algun dia ello se encuentran solos, ayudalos. Por favor cuidenlos mucho.
Expero que esta advertencia silva para algo.

For all the parents:
     Take care of your children, don't leave them in the care of just anyone. They are the treasures of our heart. If someday they find themselves alone, help them. Please take care of them a lot.
I hope this advice serves a good purpose.


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