Fostering the Love of Reading - Part 3

Guest post written by Jomary Schulz, 3rd grade public school teacher

Fostering the Love of Reading is a 5 part series posted on Mondays, it began on November 5, 2012.

Part 3 - Preschool 

Whether or not a child has been read to during infancy and/or their toddler years, preschool aged children are always ready to learn. Their keen sense of wonder is amazing. At this age children are now ready to begin making the connection that letters make sounds, and words on a page are read.  They will mimic what is read to them, begin making up the story to pictures on a page, and eventually memorize books in their entirety.

You can find just the right book for your preschooler at the local library or at any large book store. There are books out there for every interest a child can dream up. There are books of every cartoon character or princess you can imagine.  From board books to, picture-less books, to pop-up books. They have books with wheels, buttons, and even gadgets.

Here are some ways you can begin or continue to foster the love of reading in a preschooler.

* Choose books that interest them. (Allow them to choose the books at the library or book store)
* Read the same book over again if they ask. (Even if it's the 10th time you've read it)
* Keep books in the car.
* Make trips to the library a fun and regularly scheduled outing.
* Use programs on the computer like A Story Before Bed that allow relatives from other parts of the state or country record beautiful books and then email you them reading the book to your child.
* Make a special time for you and your preschooler to share books together.
* Begin choosing a longer book that may take you a few nights to get through as your bedtime story.

Fostering the love of reading in preschool children is very simple. They love to be independent and what better way to make them feel like they are in control, than to allow them to explore the wonderful imaginary world of books.


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