Parenting's Top Most Stressful Situations

No doubt parenting is a dynamic experience. One day they love Cheerios, so you go out and special order the biggest box, only to arrive at home with a child that has changed their mind. You are not so much upset that they changed their mind, more than you are of what to do with a 30 lb bag of Cheerios.

Or maybe they are fighting you tooth and nail to go to bed for 45 minutes, so you relent and let them stay up, only for them to fall asleep on the couch within 5 minutes.

I’m sure we all have our share of stories and frustrations. However, I must admit that nothing can take the place of those mornings when they snuggle into bed with you, or they do something new for the first time, or make you that one abstract “I love you daddy” card or.... you get my drift.

It's critical that we do not let the stress of the outside find its way into our homes. Purpose in your mind every morning as you're leaving for work, that “today is a good day to have a good day”. And while in rush hour traffic, instead of stressing about daycare late fees and dinner, cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you (Psalm 55:22). It may sound easier said than done, but practice makes perfect.

A new study detailing the biggest stress triggers for parents has been revealed - and almost all of the tasks parents need to carry out on a daily basis make the list. Check out the list.

Practice purging daily affairs before arriving at home. Your home is as much a refuge for you as it is for your children. Allow your home to be "that refuge" for you and your children. Pray and meditate on Philippians 4:8:

“the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them]." (AMP)

Do you have any stressful situations that make the top of the list? Share them with us and how you manage "or "don’t mange them.

1. Doing the weekly shop
2. Bedtime
3. Long car journeys
4. Getting children to eat certain foods
5. Going to someone’s house where they don’t have children
6. Being stuck in a traffic jam
7. Meal times
8. Entertaining children on a rainy day
9. Getting kids in and out of the car
10. Getting children dressed in the mornings
11. Bath time
12. Busy attractions and days out
13. Packing for a holiday
14. Cleaning children’s teeth
15. Shopping for new clothes
16. Getting children to eat their food
17. A child’s birthday party
18. Illness
19. Eating out
20. Going on holiday
21. Where do baby's come from
22. Sleepovers


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