What Did Barbie Ever Do to You?

Growing up there was two distinctive toys a boy would have; Transformers or G.I. Joe’s. Some may want to add in Lego’s or Star Wars, but these two were my staple with G.I Joe being my toy of choice. I would scrape every penny and would cry, if needed, to get my hands on an action figure. Ten figures turned to fifty and fifty soon turned to 120. I would live vicariously through these guys. They had the coolest military outfits and the latest and greatest weapons. I would plan elaborate battles, buildings, bunkers and hand sown sand bags (no judging please). I would strategically place every soldier and its foe some where in the room. All poised for battle. I spent a many hours screaming, Goooo Joe (fist pump)! Not really, but you get the picture. To this day as a 37 year old father of two, one a ten year old boy, everything about me is a covert operation type play. Man hunt, paintball, air-soft, working out, etc. you could say, my toys reinforced a personality trait or help create one. ...