Fostering the Love of Reading - Part 5

Guest post written by Jomary Schulz, 3rd grade public school teacher

Fostering the Love of Reading is a 5 part series posted on Mondays, it began on November 5, 2012.

Part 5 - Middle and High school (Tween - Teen)

Don't think that by the time your child gets into middle school or high school, that fostering the love of reading is not that important. It is as important if not more now than ever! Your child has developed habits about reading by now that may be good or bad. We want to continue to be an example of what a "life long learner" is like. And that is, never thinking that reading is no longer important.

As a Tween or Teen begins the transition into adult hood reading can be a time for bonding between parent and child. There are many opportunities that can easily present themselves in our weekly schedules that will allow for this time together. 

Here are some ways you can begin or continue to foster the love of reading in a Middle or High School child:

*  Cut out interesting articles about people, places, or things from newspapers or magazines that are about topics that might interest your child. 
* Sign your child up for a magazine subscription to one of the many popular magazines geered for kids their age: Sports Illustrated Kids, National Geographic Kid, American Girl, Odyssey, etc.
* Go to the local library and sign up for their free Tween and Teen programs.
* Check out books (biographies) about people they admire.
* Check out 2 of the same book and start a book study. Get one notebook and after each chapter that has been, read take turns with your child by writing a summary about what was read and questions that can be asked to the other person.
* Many iPad apps are available for free that have books. Kindle and iBooks are two of the more popular ones.

Don't forget that setting the example of being a "Reader" not only encourages them to read but may also give them the reason they need to go against any outside pressure that reading maybe left to "the other kid". Fostering the love of reading is important in every stage of your child's life. Let's begin to raise a society of children that love to read!


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