Guest Post By: Amanda De Pablo

I like to get to the point.  Usually when stories or blogs start out with a long intro or some kind of fluff, I usually skip it to find out the main point.  So, the main point of my thought is no matter how big or how scary the task God has placed upon your heart to do, no matter who comes against it, or the nay sayers, GO FOR IT!

We may have our bucket lists, but I know that God has his own "plans" for us.  Jeremiah 29:11 says that God has plans for us, good ones, to give us a future and a hope. What does this have to do with a parenting?  Well, His plans not only include you, but all those around you including your kids. 

God has given me specific assignments throughout my life.  With each plan He gives me, there are always challenges I have to face.  These challenges are faith, trust, and character builders.  Last year my daughter and I went to Africa for a month on a missions trip.  I knew I was to take my daughter on her first mission; it was put in my heart.  The challenge came when I found out the cost, and then I began to drag my feet to commit to go.  The Lord showed me that I was allowing fear to keep me from stepping out and committing, and He spoke to my heart that if I didn't attempt anything that I would regret it the rest of my life.  Needless to say, I was on the phone that Monday morning signing us up.

One of my favorite books is Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson.  It's an allegory about a man named Ordinary being visited by the Dream Giver, and is challenged to leave the town of Nobodies.  He is met by many obstacles and has a choice to make.  I won't tell you the end, but I recommend every person read this book, especially high school students.

God is bringing forth another dream that he has placed in my and my husband's heart, and yes it is coming with it's own obstacles, challenges, and nay sayers, but ultimately we have to do what God has placed in our hearts.  It can't be denied.  It has to be attempted.  God likes us to run, leap, jump, even take baby steps on what we think is impossible because all will know the Dream Giver made the dream possible. GO FOR IT!


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