Memorial Day lesson for parents

(photograph courtesy of Rebel Photos)
Memorial Day is when we honor soldiers who have fallen in defense of our nation, those brave men and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice to ensure freedom and prosperity for the United States.

Below is an excerpt from an article in the Tampa Bay Times written by David Adams who served two tours in Iraq with the 101st Airborne Division

"...Our military ensures the American way of  life that so many of us take for granted. Celebrating our nation's unique living conditions with a barbecue, boat ride or trip to the pool is great, but remember what these luxuries cost and pass that knowledge on to your children. Let them know the reality of war. For me, it meant that some men that I served with would never come home.

Ever since my service in the military, Memorial Day has become something more somber, more real. I'm sure any family that has lost a loved one in Iraq or Afghanistan understand how I Feel.

I'm not saying that people shouldn't celebrate; by all means fire up the grills and get your children layered in sunblock for the beach. But, even if only for a moment, pause Monday and imagine what the families of wounded and fallen soldiers are doing, and make Memorial Day count."

I know it is late in the day and many of our kids are already asleep, but right now I think I will go into my daughter's room and thank God for the men and women who lost their lives to keep her safe.



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