I love being a parent because my wife is so good at it!

When you are a parent of a 6 year old you understand what the term "Birthday Season" means. Basically when the rest of America is watching football, parents of elementary age children are attending a never ending parade of birthday parties weekend after weekend.

Parties at the pool, parties at the park and parties at the land of chaos that is Chuck E Cheese. We had two such parties this weekend (1- Saturday &1- Sunday). My wife and daughter went to the Saturday party and we all went to the Sunday party after church. That party was for my daughter's school friend. It was at that party that I thought to myself;

I love being a parent...because my wife is so good at it!

I am not bragging it's just the truth, that she is awesome. This party was a pool party and as I am chatting with another dad I notice my wife is in the pool splashing and playing with the kids, kids she doesn't even know and that she just met.

My wife is an elementary school teacher and children flock to her like moths to a flame and it has always been this way. When we met in college she was running a daycare out of her home and was going to school at night.

I look at it this way, if parenting was like horses, my wife would be a thoroughbred born to do what she does. Staying with the horse analogy I would be more like the pony at a petting zoo, the kids are going to have fun but probably not going to learn much.

My wife and daughter

And I am OK with this (well not the flowers, that just looks silly, but my daughter will love it) I Am OK with the fact that God made my wife an awesome parent. I am not jealous of my wife's superior parenting skills, I admire it, I support it. And the best part is, I know my daughter is growing up with a great example of what a strong confident woman she can become.

Does your spouse have a parenting strength you admire?


  1. Anonymous9/30/2012

    My husband is playful, and I love that about him;yet, when it's time to have a serious conversation, he knows how to connect and teach those life lessons one on one with our kids.

    1. Thanks for the comment. Sounds like your husband knows that there has to be a balance of fun and responsibility in parenting. Great example of a parenting strength.


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