Which Parent are You? Authoritative, Authoritarian or Permissive

Sometimes it seems like you can be all 3 parenting styles in one day. At the start of the day we can be Authoritative- Clear expectations and consequences for our kids behavior, but at the same time affectionate too.

"We can't watch a movie until you clean your room honey. I love you."

Then by the middle of the day when stuff is not getting done we start to become Authoritarian- Still clear expectations and consequences but a little less affection.

"You need to clean your room and we won't watch a movie until you do because I said so."

Then, after feeling bad about Authoritarian style and not wanting our children to write a book titled- "I don't love you till your room's clean-My childhood story." We become Permissive-Show lots of affection, but provide little or no discipline.

"I love you! I love to watch movies with you! Forget the room. What do you want to do? Ice cream and a movie? Lets go!"

Love and Discipline go hand in hand and we have all 3 of these parenting styles inside each of us. The key is balance and remembering you don't have to be a perfect parent.

I like this quote from James L. Hymes, Jr., U.S. child development specialist, author. "A Sensible Approach to Discipline,"

"Fortunately, children do not need "perfect" parents. They do need mothers and fathers who will think on their feet and who will be thoughtful about what they have done. They do need parents who can be flexible, and who can use a variety of approaches to discipline."


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