
Showing posts from November, 2012

Washington Post - Do Rich and Poor Parenting Styles Matter

A recent post by Washington Post columnist Jay Mathews brings up an interesting thought on “ Do Rich and Poor Parenting Styles Matter " and frankly asks the question is trying to answer. Please read this thought provoking column and ensuing Working Class Parenting's thoughts.

5 Tips for a Debt-Free Family Christmas

So with Thanksgiving 2012 fading in the rear view mirror families need to turn their fiance attention back to the road before they get T-boned by the expenses of Christmas. Here are 5 great tips from Mary Hunt founder of the website  Debt Proof , with my comment after each tip. 1- Shape your attitude- Your budget is your budget even at Christmas. Before heading into the mall, make sure you take your emotions out of your wallet. 2-Use Cash- Speaking of your wallet, the green stuff behind the cards, is called cash. Use that when you can, and when it's gone no matter who is left on your list, you are done that day. Leave the mall, and don't pass the pretzel place, the smell is too tempting. 3- Give gifts from your kitchen or garden - I love to eat but I can't cook it or grow it. If you can do either well, that's a gift. Plate it, put a bow on it, a tasty Christmas gift, done. 4- Give family gifts, rather than individual ones - If you have the family fr...

Parenting's Top Most Stressful Situations

No doubt parenting is a dynamic experience. One day they love Cheerios, so you go out and special order the biggest box, only to arrive at home with a child that has changed their mind. You are not so much upset that they changed their mind, more than you are of what to do with a 30 lb bag of Cheerios. Or maybe they are fighting you tooth and nail to go to bed for 45 minutes, so you relent and let them stay up, only for them to fall asleep on the couch within 5 minutes. I’m sure we all have our share of stories and frustrations. However, I must admit that nothing can take the place of those mornings when they snuggle into bed with you, or they do something new for the first time, or make you that one abstract “I love you daddy” card or.... you get my drift. It's critical that we do not let the stress of the outside find its way into our homes. Purpose in your mind every morning as you're leaving for work, that “today is a good day to have a good day”. And while in rush...

Fostering the Love of Reading - Part 4

Guest post written by Jomary Schulz, 3 rd  grade public school teacher Fostering the Love of Reading is a 5 part series posted on Mondays, it began on November 5, 2012. Part 4 - School-age (Kindergarten - 5th grade)   It may seem that as children get older, fostering the love of reading in them gets more difficult. As the pressures of the classroom become more evident, children seem to only consume themselves with books that are required or chosen for them by a teacher. As a classroom teacher I know firsthand that there is a very important balance we must be able to keep with students if we want them to continue loving books. A love for reading can be easily suppressed with too many Reading for points programs, required leveled reading books, and/or teacher selected books for independent reading. It is our job as parents to continue to encourage a child to read for enjoyment as much as possible. Children need to know that it's not about what reading level they're on,...

Parenting Humor - Parent Rap


Family Financial Lessons for Turkey Day

As we prepare for the big family day tomorrow and then watch as our loved ones become shopping warriors ready to do battle in the stores as soon as the last turkey leg hits the table... Lets take a moment To remember the simple Financial Lessons of Thanksgiving before the shopping madness begins. These lessons are from  Dedrick Muhammad  senior director of the NAACP economic programs 1- The Joys Of A Home-Cooked Meal Cooking a big meal at home is cheaper, healthier and helps families spend quality time together 2-The Best Things In Life Are Free (Or Inexpensive) Thanksgiving Reminds us that expensive brands and gadgets are no replacement for time with family and friends. 3-Giving Is Its Own Reward The Holiday Seasons is a great time to let your priorities and values show through the spirit of giving to your favorite charities and other community organizations. 4-Celebrate Your True Wealth A good relationship with friends and family is the most important asset...

101 Ways To Tell Your Kids "Well Done"

Love & Discipline Regardless of their age, children crave love, acceptance and approval. Praise from a significant other in their lives is important. Give them plenty of praise, warmth and physical signs of affection and your certain to have a confident child. Look for good behaviors you want to strengthen, and then say “very good” to your children in a variety of ways. Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act. Proverbs 3:27 Here are some suggestions:

Fostering the Love of Reading - Part 3

Guest post written by Jomary Schulz, 3 rd  grade public school teacher Fostering the Love of Reading is a 5 part series posted on Mondays, it began on November 5, 2012. Part 3 - Preschool  Whether or not a child has been read to during infancy and/or their toddler years, preschool aged children are always ready to learn. Their keen sense of wonder is amazing. At this age children are now ready to begin making the connection that letters make sounds, and words on a page are read.  They will mimic what is read to them, begin making up the story to pictures on a page, and eventually memorize books in their entirety. You can find just the right book for your preschooler at the local library or at any large book store. There are books out there for every interest a child can dream up. There are books of every cartoon character or princess you can imagine.  From board books to, picture-less books, to pop-up books. They have books with wheels, buttons, ...

A Foster Family’s Account

What if God called you to Fostering or Adoption? What if your role of parenting went beyond your own children, and God trusted you with a child who was lost and looking for love? The statistics are outstanding. At last check, in a five county district, there were 4,000 plus children in the fostering program. Newborns to teenagers, all separated from their families for one reason or another. School enrollment applications now ask, whether the child is homeless or not and an increasing percentage of children only eat at school. The numbers are staggering, but there is hope. We are a people of hope, moved to answer the call for the sake of the next generation. This is a short story on one family's attempt to make a difference.

Exposing Your Kids to Culture Requires Effort

My daughter had a half day at school today with a noon dismissal. I was finally able to take her down to the Mahaffey Theater to see the Titanic exhibit after her many requests. She has no idea who Leonardo DiCaprio is.....Books about the Titanic, Thank you! Movies about the Titanic, No Thank you!

My Daughter Inspired My Baptism

Kurt Schulz Baptism from Generations Christian Church on Vimeo .

Test Your Family Finance IQ

Found this 11 question test over at and it was a real eye opener on the actual money cost of having and raising children. I thought I had a good idea of how much my wife and I spend on our daughter. I mean I listen to  Dave Ramsey and I pay the bills in our house and I only got 4 out of 11 questions right (don't tell my wife). This is just a fun little quiz, try it out- Family Finance IQ Test and see if you can beat my score. Just remember children are priceless when you see how much a college degree is going to cost in 18 years.... OUCH!

Parenting tip from Henry David Thoreau

Today's Theme: Humble Confidence "If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he had imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." -Henry David Thoreau- We as parents need to remember this when our children's dreams don't line up with our wishes. We should try to give our children the confidence to be great at the things they are great at, even if it is something we didn't imagine for them.

Fostering the Love of Reading - Part 2

Guest post written by Jomary Schulz, 3 rd grade public school teacher Fostering the Love of Reading is a 5 part series posted on Mondays, it began on November 5, 2012. Part 2 – Toddlers - 1-3yrs old A toddler is an exploring vessel. They learn using all of their 5 senses. Why not continue to foster the love of reading in a toddler by embracing how they learn.  All children are like little sponges, but from the early age of 1 year old, they are ready to soak up anything and everything around them.  Knowing how important reading will be in the future for a child, we can begin to imbed great reading practices into their daily lives. Children at this age love to play, and they need to know that reading is also a way of having fun. Begin by putting their books next to or in with their toys. Separating books only gives a child the idea that reading should be done at certain times. Having books in with their toys, allows a child to pick them up, touch them, and interact ...

A Parenting Prayer from an Abuelita

A guest post from Jomary: To all of my Spanish Speaking friends. My 83 year old grandmother was asked to give a little piece of parenting advice and this is what she had to say. (in Spanish first with an English translation to follow): Para todo los padres:     Cuiden mucho a sus hijos, no los dejen cuidando con cualquiera persona. Ellos son los tesoras de nuestro corazon. Si algun dia ello se encuentran solos, ayudalos. Por favor cuidenlos mucho. Expero que esta advertencia silva para algo. For all the parents:      Take care of your children, don't leave them in the care of just anyone. They are the treasures of our heart. If someday they find themselves alone, help them. Please take care of them a lot. I hope this advice serves a good purpose.

Mediocrity: R.I.P

Mediocrity: the state or mindset of moderate or low quality, value, ability, or performance: ordinary, so-so. I tend to believe that all are born with a earnest desire to be great. A desire to make a difference, to impact our surroundings, if not the world. At some point; however, we are some how convinced that "awesomeness" must be for someone else. That perhaps our place in life is somewhere between mediocre and ... The truth is God has created all with a divine purpose. Strategically designed for impact. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Lets put mediocrity to rest in our children by seeing in them what God already see's. To instill in them a legacy of hope and Humble Confidence . A mindset that in the boldest, strongest, and most energetic time of their lives they can make a difference. What a privilege to be trusted with the task of rearing the next ...

Tips for Soccer parents to remember from a Pastor

Picked up my daughter from school today and after getting a bite to eat went to Target to get her first soccer ball. She has been wanting to play soccer for a while now, so just to get her started I thought we would get a ball and go to the rec center to kick it around a bit. Soccer was never my sport growing up and my knowledge of it is very limited, but with that being said my daughter is awesome at soccer. She was diving to block my kicks and nailing her kicks into the corners of the goal. So this could be her thing and I need to get ready. I have heard some stories of crazy soccer parents and I don't want to become one. So if you are a soccer novice like me but you have a young soccer player you are going to be watching here are some tips from Bruce Reyes-Chow a Presbyterian Minister, Father of 3 girls and all round soccer dad.  1- It's just a game - He writes about how 10 minutes after losing a game his daughter was making plans to bake cookies later, but he was stil...

5 Tips for Fathers on Love and Discipline

I found this post by Judy Helm Wright , a Family Coach and Author, with 6 grown children and 10 grandchildren.   The topic is Love and Discipline, and here are her 5 tips for fathers, with my comment after each. 1. "Be firm, kind and respectful in setting boundaries."  (If you are angry already when telling your kids the rules, it's to late.) 2. "Try to say yes, more often than no. "Yes, you may have a cookie ... right after dinner." (I know this is hard when they ask a million times. So you might want to add what my wife says "Yes, you may have a Popsicle.. right after dinner...if you don't ask me again."  3. "Use logical consequences to correct inappropriate behavior. "If you leave your bike outside on the sidewalk once more, we will put it in the garage for a week." And then do it." (If you are going to talk the talk you got to walk the walk. Back up your words with actions.) 4. "Be a role model for int...

3 Bible Verses to Remember When Doing Your Family Budget

Remember When Doing Your Family Budget Proverbs 27:23 - (Pay attention to the numbers) Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds; (NIV) Ecclesiastes 11:2 - (Save some money) But divide your investments among many places, for you do not know what risks might lie ahead.(NLT)  Hebrews 13:5 - (If its not in the budget, then you don't need it) Be free from the love of money, content with such things as you have, for he has said, "I will in no way leave you, neither will I in any way forsake you." (WEB)

Picking Your Child's Confidence Up

Our kids are going to fail at something, at some point in time, they will fail. That is just the cold hard truth, but if we want them to get back up after the fall we, as parents need to make sure to help build their confidence up too. We do this with Faith - Faith in God Faith that next time things will be different Faith that there will be a next time and Faith that not matter what we, The Parents, will always love them They are going to fail, we all do, Make sure you teach them to get back up and if they drop their confidence hand it back to them "They are happy parents who have shown this way to their children, without weakness or compromise, but with a goodness so like that of God that, in their worst difficulties, they can say humbly with tremendous confidence, "I shall rise up and go to my father; I shall rise up and go to my mother; and through them, I shall go to my Father in Heaven." How many young people have lost the Faith, not from having fal...

Fostering the Love of Reading - Part 1

Guest post written by Jomary Schulz, 3 rd grade public school teacher Fostering the Love of Reading is a 5 part series posted on Mondays beginning on November 5, 2012. Part 1 – Newborn to 12 months Before a child can talk, sit up, or hold anything in their hands, they can begin their journey into books. Fostering the love of reading in a child can be reasonably easy and can begin as early as infancy. When a child begins to hear the rhythm and tone of your voice when reading, they begin picking up necessary skills needed later in life as they begin to learn how to read. Reading to a baby does not only strengthen the bond between you and the child, but you are also giving this child a gift that will carry them throughout their lifetime. Listening to reading is the first step to learning how to read and enjoying it. This is where vocabulary can begin to develop in a child. Background knowledge and interests also begin to flourish in children that are read to at a very ...

Monday Morning After Hurricane Sandy

As most of us get ready for Monday morning and the work week ahead, let's not forgot the people still recovering from Hurricane Sandy's impact. Your Monday morning will be normal, theirs won't be. I found this post by Danni Kay who blogs at . As of Saturday, she was without power for 6 days and she writes about her gratitude to all those that have helped out the storm victims. There is a short video at the end that she recorded on day 3 without power.  She seems tired, but her faith is strong. At the end of her post she writes, "God is still able."...... Check it out. If your kids have questions on how to help, here is an ABC news  story with links to organizations that are working in the area. Luke 10:33 "But a certain Samaritan, who was on a journey, came upon him; and when he saw him, he felt compassion,  

Mediocrity; The Monster is on the Ropes

Some time back a similar study was conduct in both a private bible college and a public middle school. Students were randomly divided into two groups and given to teachers. The teachers were told one group was made up of some of the schools brightest students, while the other teacher was told his/her students were slower to average students. From the beginning the teachers “expectations” were tainted by the stereotype placed on each of the classes. The students in the quote unquote bright class were pushed and motivated to find the answers, while the students in the slower to average class were catered. When a student didn’t know the answer, the teachers simply moved to the next student. In the bright class, if a student was having trouble learning it was chalked up to a bad day, while in the slower class it was merely understood that they were slower. If you have been following our posts in the last two weeks, discussion has ensued on the epidemic of teen mediocrity. This is an...

3 Things I Learned at a school Cultural Fair

This morning I went with my wife to the annual Cultural Fair at my daughter's school. Each student in her class was given a Landmark, Monument, or Memorial to study and present.   Some with models, others with pictures and one with a few flags. (And by few I mean 200!) This was their 1st quarter project. They were to read books about their specified topic and write down 10 facts. All the students seemed to enjoy it, and gave great presentations with interesting facts. Did you know every time the Washington monument gets struck by lightening, it gets shorter? A third grader told me that! Or, did you know that the construction on the Pentagon began on September 11, 1941? The UN Headquarters building in New York City is considered International territory. It may seem like your child's school does a special activity every other week, but I encourage you try to attend as many as you can. When the kids see their parents walk through the door, you can tell that th...

Which Parent are You? Authoritative, Authoritarian or Permissive

Sometimes it seems like you can be all 3 parenting styles in one day. At the start of the day we can be Authoritative- Clear expectations and consequences for our kids behavior, but at the same time affectionate too. "We can't watch a movie until you clean your room honey. I love you." Then by the middle of the day when stuff is not getting done we start to become Authoritarian- Still clear expectations and consequences but a little less affection. "You need to clean your room and we won't watch a movie until you do because I said so." Then, after feeling bad about Authoritarian style and not wanting our children to write a book titled- "I don't love you till your room's clean-My childhood story." We become Permissive-Show lots of affection, but provide little or no discipline. "I love you! I love to watch movies with you! Forget the room. What do you want to do? Ice cream and a movie? Lets go!" Love and Discipline go...